Updated 08.20.2022
Community and COVID
We have entered the next phase of living with COVID-19, the reality that it is here to stay.
As the number of infections among members of Christ Church is climbing, I wanted to share a few things with you. The national guidelines have shifted to emphasize individual responsibility and choice when it comes to the risks of COVID. To read the latest CDC guidance on COVID please visit https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2022/p0811-covid-guidance.html
Please know that attending worship, indoor gatherings, and fellowship events all absolutely increase the risk of exposure to COVID, and the newer variants are highly contagious. One of the most effective ways to prevent serious illness is by getting vaccinated and staying up to date on those vaccinations. Other ways to mitigate risk are to mask, distance, and be aware of the level of community transmission in your area.
Please do not come if you are sick, experiencing symptoms, or have tested positive until you have a negative test. Because of how widely COVID is circulating, we are not doing any special notifications regarding exposure, nor are we doing contact tracing. You do not need to contact the office if you have been in worship or at an event and get sick, but you may want to contact anyone who you had a face-to-face conversation with. If you have been exposed to COVID, CDC recommends wearing a higher quality mask for 10 days and get tested on day 5.
Specific ministry leaders like our directors of music, food bank and clothing boutique coordinators may have their own policies regarding reporting, please following their instructions if you are participating in their ministries. Masking is required if you come to the office, however it remains optional in worship and ministry leaders can specify whether masks are required for other events or locations such as: choir rehearsal or food bank. Please be respectful of these decisions. We are allowing food fellowship events to take place on campus and indoors, including the serving of coffee and other beverages for your group meetings. Please be aware that such activities increase your risk of exposure, and your group should take necessary food and beverage handling precautions. Please contact Karen Messmore if your group plans to use one of the kitchens on campus.
We will continue to update our guidance in response to the changing needs of our community and information provided by national and local recommendations. Remember, we can make a difference for each other by continuing to do no harm, doing all the good we can, and acting in accordance with God’s love.
We have entered the next phase of living with COVID-19, the reality that it is here to stay.
As the number of infections among members of Christ Church is climbing, I wanted to share a few things with you. The national guidelines have shifted to emphasize individual responsibility and choice when it comes to the risks of COVID. To read the latest CDC guidance on COVID please visit https://www.cdc.gov/media/
Please know that attending worship, indoor gatherings, and fellowship events all absolutely increase the risk of exposure to COVID, and the newer variants are highly contagious. One of the most effective ways to prevent serious illness is by getting vaccinated and staying up to date on those vaccinations. Other ways to mitigate risk are to mask, distance, and be aware of the level of community transmission in your area.
Please do not come if you are sick, experiencing symptoms, or have tested positive until you have a negative test. Because of how widely COVID is circulating, we are not doing any special notifications regarding exposure, nor are we doing contact tracing. You do not need to contact the office if you have been in worship or at an event and get sick, but you may want to contact anyone who you had a face-to-face conversation with. If you have been exposed to COVID, CDC recommends wearing a higher quality mask for 10 days and get tested on day 5.
Specific ministry leaders like our directors of music, food bank and clothing boutique coordinators may have their own policies regarding reporting, please following their instructions if you are participating in their ministries. Masking is required if you come to the office, however it remains optional in worship and ministry leaders can specify whether masks are required for other events or locations such as: choir rehearsal or food bank. Please be respectful of these decisions. We are allowing food fellowship events to take place on campus and indoors, including the serving of coffee and other beverages for your group meetings. Please be aware that such activities increase your risk of exposure, and your group should take necessary food and beverage handling precautions. Please contact Karen Messmore if your group plans to use one of the kitchens on campus.
We will continue to update our guidance in response to the changing needs of our community and information provided by national and local recommendations. Remember, we can make a difference for each other by continuing to do no harm, doing all the good we can, and acting in accordance with God’s love.
Church is Happening
- Worship with us weekly using our Worship At Home resource or at our In-Person Worship Services Sundays at 10:00 am
- Join one of our online groups
- Room 4 You Sunday School Class meets at 8:00am each Sunday by zoom, contact retired UMC Pastor Bob Kuyper at rlkuyper@cox.net for more information.
- Morning Cup Fellowship with Pastor Beth meets at 9:00am each Monday by zoom, Join by clicking here.
- Men’s Breakfast Group meets Wednesdays at 7:30 am by Zoom
- Find updates by following the Channel 2.0, subscribe by emailing office@ccumtucsson.org
- Need food or other assistance? Contact the office at office@ccumtucson.org
- Don’t see what you are looking for? Let us know what you need at office@ccumtucson.org
- Feeling inspired in the new year to start your own small group for Christ Church using zoom? Let us know how we can help, depending on what you need you can use the CCUMs zoom to lead a group.

Data and Resources
Christ Church United Methodist is committed to offering a faith centered, science informed, and data driven response to COVID-19.
We are using the following websites to track Pima County’s COVID-19 information:
We are using the following websites to inform our decisions and processes.