Upcoming Events
New Class for the New Year: Sundays from 8-9 am (begins January 19th)
Announcing a second Sunday School class that is all about reading and discussing the Bible. We’ll start with Psalms and go on to the end of the Bible. If you can’t recall what you read in the Bible, or if you never really read the Bible and want to know what’s in it, or if you have read the Bible many times and want to read it again with others, you might find this class helpful. Please call me if you have questions. The time of this class will be 8 am to 9am on Sundays on Zoom.
Frontier Sunday: Sunday, February 23rd after the service

Mark your calendars for another great day of fun, food and fellowship when we celebrate Frontier Sunday on February 23. The Outdoor Ministry will be providing the meal, drinks and desserts. We ask that the congregation bring the sides/salads.
To help us generate a western flair, please feel free to wear your western duds. Don’t  forget to bring family and friends to join in on the celebration!!!
Weekly & Monthly Events
Morning Cup Fellowship
Mondays at 9:00 am on Zoom
Men’s Breakfast:
Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30 am on Zoom
Exercise Class
Every Monday and Thursday
in Social Hall from 10:30 to 11:30 AM
held by Karen Messmore
Women at the Well
Every second Tuesday of the month
in Social Hall at 11:15 AM
Compassionate Friends
Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month
in Social Hall at 6:00 PM

 Helping Hands
Every third Wednesday of the month
in Social Hall at 9:30 AM
United Women in Faith
Every second Wednesday of the Month
in Social Hall at 10:30 AM

Sunday School
First Sunday of every Month during the Service
All kids are invited to start in the service with us, then after the scripture, they will go with our Sunday School teachers to rooms 14 and 15. Pick up will be in rooms 14 and 15 after the service.
Belong, Believe, Serve: Youth Ministry
Every Sunday
at St. Paul’s UMC from 4-5:30 pm
6th-12th Grade Welcome