Lost and Found: A Spiritual Adventure

August Interactive Worship Series

Week 1: Epically Lost 

August 2nd-August 8th
Scripture is the Gospel of Luke chapter 15 vs 1-24 Click Here to read online at Bible Gateway
Questions to Consider
  • This chapter is almost in the middle of Luke’s gospel – why might three stories about losing and finding, seeking and recovery be located at the heart of this gospel?
  • What similarities do you see between the story of the shepherd, the story of the woman, and the story of the father and his sons?  What differences do you notice?
  • What might these stories teach us about the nature of God’s relationship with us and our responsibility to one another as disciples of Jesus?
  • In her message, Pastor Beth makes three points from these stories: 1) We are never lost to God, 2) We must actively seek one another out extending the same grace as God extends to us, 3) We must know who we are in order to be fully “found”.  Do you agree or disagree with these points and why?  What other wisdom do these stories hold for us?

Labyrinth of the Week

Visit the Labyrinth at the the Redemptorist Renewal Center.  Both Labyrinths are located at the far south eastern edge of these churches parking lots.  I went mid-day, but visit during the early morning or evening to avoid the heat of the day.  To read Pastor Beth’s Labyrinth blog click here.
Finding our way.

Epically Lost

Week 2: From No Where to Know Here

August 9th-August 15th
Scripture is the Book of Isaiah (click the numbers to read online) Chapter 2:1-4 and Chapter 32 
Questions to Consider
  •  What connections do you see between the readings in chapter 2 and chapter 32, how might these scripture tie together?
  • Isaiah has a cosmic view of the rule of God, that impacts everything from how Kings rule to how animals will graze.  What is your view on the rule of God?
  • Isaiah lived through times of massive social upheaval and civilization change and uses rich theological language to describe these changes.  How might you use describe the changes we are living through?
  • Disorientation, getting lost, is part of our faith journey with God, what things  might be disorienting you in this time?
  • During times of disorientation, how do we go from the nowhere of disorientation, to knowing our here and present reality.?

Labyrinth of the Week

Visit the Labyrinths at Unity Church or Vista de la Montaña.  These Labyrinths are located at the far south eastern corner of the church parking lot.  Visit during the early morning or evening to avoid the heat of the day.  To read Pastor Beth’s Labyrinth blog click here.

Week 3: X Marks the Spot 

August 16th -August 22nd
Scripture is the Book of Deuteronomy chapter 10:10-22
Questions to Consider
  • Have you ever been on a treasure hunt?  How might walking in faith be like a treasure hunt?
  • Deuteronomy 10 uses a phrase we find often in the Old Testament “fear the Lord your God.”  As we learned in the sermon today, this does not mean to be afraid of God, but rather to have a sense of awe and wonder.  What does this mean in your experience?   When do you find yourself in awe of God?
  • What does it mean for you to “walk in all God’s ways, to love and serve God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of God?”  What does this look like in your life?
  • How are you inhabiting your life, being present/acting, in a manner that reflects the promised land of God has left a mark on you?  Or how could you live differently?

 Click here to watch the service



Week 4: Navigating in the Dark 

August 23rd -August 29th
Scripture is the Book of Psalms chapter 23

Week 5: The Spiritual Value of Wandering 

August 30th -September 5th
Scripture is the Gospel of Luke chapter 24:13-35